Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So how do we feel about strap ons......?

Sir Thomas 'big plastic cock' Strap On was a man of great integrity. He took women from the constraints of the chastity belt and put them in the harness of the big plastic cock.

So how do we really feel about THE STRAP ON?

For me it has never been a question that i have asked myself. I am going to be honest i have never used one. I feel that there is something very surgical about the strap on.

I have done some reaserch and the designs really do vary.

Your $50 strap on will get you something with a strechy elastic 'strap and a weird pink plastic penis, that won't stay in it's hole. We will name thee 'mood killer'

Your $150 strap on will get you something quite reliable with a black elastic 'strap' and some moulded rubber in any colour that somewhat represents a penis .

Your higher end strap on which is anywhere between the $300 or more has upholsered leather seats with air con and electric windows. Ahhhh there is nothing like that new car smell.

What are the strap on rules? If you buy a strap on with one partner do you use it on the next when you brake up? Do you have a strap on each, that are differnt colours so as to avoid confusion? Do you have a range of strap ons with varying sizes?

So the strap on, really?

I would like some light shed on this question. I need some opinions on the strap on. I need to get to know who the strap on really is?

Strap on .....the unsolved mystery. To Be Continued.

1 comment:

  1. yeah i wouldnt bother buying one unless it was worth the money. my first relationship entailed the person telling me months in that it was the first moderately successful sexual relationship she'd ever had that didn't entail rocking into the sex shop straight away. at that stage, i felt confident with the idea of incorporating a straop on. some girls say it isnt about the cock, its about feeling 'filled up' which can be nice sometimes. they say its a sacred object, whereas fucking other people on valentines or your birthday is totally called for. i reckon if in doubt, do what men do - use a condom. i wouldnt take it too seriosuly.
